After his father's death, the young Jacob moved with
his mother in Ochrid, an important Orthodox center in the region, also
populated by Aromanians and black Wallachians. Here the young boy went in a monastery
school, being 12 years old. Three years later, he entered in the congregation
of the monastery of Our Lady of Ochrid, and remained here about 5 years.
Athonite monk
After 5 year of apprenticeship, he went to Mount
Athos, at Pantokrator Monastery and he was tonsured monk, being named Joseph.
Here in the monastery he was known as Megaloschemos
Joseph the “Vlach”, which means that he has received the great monastic schema
(Great Schema, in difference to the Small, consists in a new tonsure, usual received
only by hermits). Here he lived for many years along with the monks, in a harsh
fasting life, all-night vigil, obedience and humility. Finally, he went as
hermit in the woods nearby and it is said to have the “gift of tears”, a highly
prized charisma in Eastern monasticism and “the incessant prayer”, because he
“lowered the mind into the heart”, that means that he united his reason with
his spiritual senses. This inner union is considered in the Orthodox
monasticism, particularly after Gregory Palamas and the hesychast movement, as
the ideal of the human perfection.
Because of the holiness of his life, Joseph could make
miracles and cured many diseases, especially those crippled. Often he was
called in several monasteries, where he healed the monks from their bodily
After a long time, the monks invited him back into the
congregation and he was ordained priest and confessor of the monks of Mount
Athos. Soon he became known also by the Patriarch of Constantinople who
appointed him abbot of the Monastery of Saint Stephen in Adrianople, where he
remained about 6 years. Coming back in
Athos, Joseph became abbot in the monastery of Koutloumousiou, one of the
oldest convents, basically built from the donations of the Wallachian voivods
and noblemen.
Being more than 70 years old, he retired in silence
near Vatopedi monastery. But his mission still didn’t come to its end.
In 1552, the western Banat, hitherto included in the
Kingdom of Hungary, fell under Turkish rule, being transformed into a
“pashalic” (1552-1718) based in Timişoara. In this context, it seems that there
was metropolitanate in this region, under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate
of Constantinople. It's hard to say what nationality were the Orthodox
believers in Banat. The massive Serb migration north of the Danube began after
the battle of Kossovopolje, in 1389, when Serbia was occupied by the Turks.
Until then there were in Banat only Romanians (Vlachs), Hungarians and Germans.
A metropolitan of Timişoara died in 1650 and Joseph
the Vlach was sent in his place, despite of his age, being about 80 years old. Maybe
his nationality was important in the eyes of the Orthodox believers there. In
any case, his ordination took place on July 20, 1650 and he served as Metropolitan
only for three years. The tradition mentions several miracles of the saint,
including fighting a fire that engulfed the west side of Timişoara. Apparently
Joseph came out from the church with the Sacraments in the hands and, after he
had prayed with tears, God have sent a heavy rain, so that the fire stopped.
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old icon of the Saint |
Being practically all his life long a simple monk, he
might have liked the silence of the monastery more than the service as a
hierarch. In 1653, Joseph retired definitively to the not-far-away Partoş monastery, where he lived for three years. This information came from a
note, made in 1655, on a Menologion (all-day service book) that belonged to the
monastery of St. George situated near the city: “This book belongs to the Lord Metropolitan Joseph of Timişoara, in
1655, who voluntarily left the diocese, withdrawing at Partoş monastery, where
he lived several years and then moved to the eternal life, where the saints are
According to tradition, when his passing into
eternity, the monastery bells began to beat by themselves.
Saint Joseph died being over 85 years old. He was
buried in the monastery’s church nave, opposite to the entrance door.
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The old and the new churches of Partoş Monastery |
The popular tradition recorded soon the Metropolitan
Joseph as a saint. In 1749, a pilgrim named Peica offered a Gospel-book to the
monastery of Partoş, just before his trip to Jerusalem. On this book he wrote: “I, the sinner servant of God Hagi (=pilgrim) Peica, offer this holy
book, the so-called Gospel, to the monastery of
Partoş convent, dedicated to St
Michael - where is located the body of the Saint Lord Joseph - for our good and
our happy journey to the great city Jerusalem”.
In 1782, the local priest Stephen Bogoslovici painted
an icon, at the request of the Archpriest Ioan Şuboni, who donated it to the
monastery, in order to be placed above the saint’s grave. On the icon there
were written the name of “Our Father Saint Joseph the New” and the troparion (hymn of the saint) as
follows: "In youth you entirely
obeyed to God in prayers and labors and in fasting, being the icon of the
goodness. Therefore God, seeing your good work, has put you bishop and shepherd
of His church. Wherefore, your holy body has been preserved, after death, fair
and incorrupted. Saint Joseph, pray to Christ our God, to bestow forgiveness to
those who remember your holy memory, with faith and love”.
According to another tradition, the daughter of Mark
Mutiu, the mayor of Timişoara in the middle of the 18th century, was
cured at the monastery of a disease that she has long suffered. In gratitude,
the mayor built here a new church, near the old one, where St. Joseph once
officiated the Liturgy. This church
still functions until today.
In 1929 Bizerea, a local priest wrote also based
on the local tradition, that St. Joseph “already
during his life enjoyed the fame of a true saint, and after his death he has
left a memory of a truly saint among the religious people and the monks”.
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Romanian Orthodox Cathedral in Timişoara |
The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church decided
soon the official proclamation of the Holy Hierarch Joseph the New. This act
happened during a celebration on October 6-8, 1956, in the Metropolitan
Cathedral in Timişoara, where his holy relics were placed. His commemoration
occurs each year on September 15, the day of his enthronization as
metropolitan. The Akathist of St. Joseph
and the other Holy Services were included in the service books of the Romanian
Orthodox Church.
In 1965, the Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church
decided the name of St. Joseph to be placed also in the church calendars from
Serbia, as a witness of the worship that St. Joseph enjoyed throughout the
Romanian and the Serbian parts of Banat.
Adăugaţi o legendă |
The story about the firefighting remained very strong
in the memory of the locals, so that, following a decision of the Romanian Ministry
of Interior in 1997, Saint Joseph the New became the holy patron of the
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The Relics of the Saint |
The relics and the icon of the Saint, in the Cathedral of Timişoara |
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The relics of the Saint |
Troparion of St. Joseph the New of Partoş (after the
hymn from 1782):
In youth you
entirely obeyed to God in prayers and labors and in fasting. Therefore God,
seeing your good work, has put you bishop and shepherd of His Church and you
dwelt after your death in the heavenly hosts of the saints, o, Holy Father
Joseph. Pray to Christ our God to bestow forgiveness to us, who remember your holy memory, with faith and
Blessed Saints, thank you for your healing of my son's genogram, parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents, cleansing, deliverance protection (my nieces, nephews, godchild's family as well), Erich needs a powerful intercessor for bondages breaking and attacks of the devil.